Born in 1992, studied computer science in the three-year BSc program and graduated in 2021. Elia has been working at Meta since he graduated. During his studies, he was part of a student exchange program and spent a semester at Penn State University. This was an amazing opportunity for him, and he recommends it for every student. Elia attended the Bnei Zion preparatory school in Tel Aviv, and served as a commander in the Givati brigade. After graduating from the Technion, he moved to London for work. He spends his spare time reading and learning about investing and economics.
" I think Lapidim is an amazing program that gives students the opportunity to meet leaders in the industry and academia and to take part in unique personal development workshops. I think it’s a special program and I highly recommend it to all students "

Born in 1994, Shai studied computer science in the three-year BSc track and graduated in 2020. He completed his MA in computer science in 2022. Employment history: Cloud quality research intern at IBM. Shai says he enjoyed his studies very much and learned a lot, and recommends taking courses that interest you and not necessarily the ones everyone else is taking. He especially enjoyed the Lapidim sessions, which gave him the opportunity to meet leaders in the hi-tech industry and academia, and gave him confidence in his ability to succeed as well.
" Entrepreneurship is not only business, it's changing the world in whatever field is most important to you "

Born in 1999, studied in the three-year BSc track and graduated in 2020. Employment history: Research intern at Google and a freelance programmer. Bahagat received his MA from the Technion and is now a PhD student in the Technion Computer Science department, specializing in image processing, information processing, and deep learning with Prof. Michael Elad. Bahagat says that he has always liked to program, and started developing websites and other small projects at age 7. He was born in Nazareth, and worked from home as a programmer for a startup company in the USA. He is a graduate of the MEET program for entrepreneurship and computer science. In his free time, he enjoys watching soccer games and spending time with friends, and is always up for a game of FIFA.
" If you have high professional aspirations, Lapidim is a great place to start. All the meetings with people from the industry and with faculty members can lead to very interesting partnerships – whether it’s a job, a startup company, or research "

Born in 2001, Sally studies software engineering. She studied computer science in high school and has always been interested in the field. She considered studying medicine, but then realized that she preferred to contribute to the field of healthcare from behind the scenes, by improving doctors' performance. During her studies, she participated in an entrepreneurship program called Biodesign for new entrepreneurs in the health-tech sector. In parallel to her BSc studies, Sally is also conducting research with Dr. Kira Radinsky for an MA in the faculty. Their research is about accelerating the production of medications using learning systems. Sally says that she hopes that with hard work and dedication, she will be able to make a significant change.
" I recommend joining the program. It is an excellent program that enables participants to meet other intelligent students, and it opens doors at the university and in the industry. It offers challenges and evokes curiosity by incorporating diverse types of enrichment "

Born in 1997, Eden studies computer science and mathematics. She says she chose to study these fields because she has always enjoyed solving puzzles and playing thinking games. She says that problem solving and questions related to computer science and mathematics are fun for her to grapple with. Eden grew up in Haifa. During high school, she was a counselor in a youth group for kids with and without special needs and in the Bnei Akiva youth movement, and she majored in physics and computers. After high school, she attended the Chavruta IDF preparatory school and then served in the IDF 8200 intelligence unit. Afterwards, she spent some time traveling and then started studying at the Technion. Eden enjoys traveling in Israel and abroad, and also embroiders, sews, and paints. She now works at Mobileye as an algorithm developer.
" The program gives you the opportunity to meet interesting people with similar interests to yours. It also teaches you more about research and entrepreneurship "

Born in 1996, Asaf studies computer science and mathematics in the three-year track. He says he enjoys the courses and the seminars at the Technion, and feels that they develop his thinking skills. He especially enjoys computer theory and its connection to mathematics, logic, and philosophy. Asaf did a year of national service as an instructor in the Shomer HaTzair youth movement, and served in the IDF 8200 intelligence unit. He enjoys cooking, running, and playing piano, and is fascinated by the connection between mathematics and other fields. He hopes to find a way to contribute to society through education and social services.
" Joining the program was a great way of meeting students and researchers, which opens lots of doors. The program also evokes curiosity and inspires its participants to conduct research "

Born in 1999, Eitan studies computer science and mathematics in the three-year program. He says he recommends a degree that combines multiple fields because it helps you understand what interests you and to learn about the fields in which your friends and faculty members are involved. Eitan was born in Haifa and loves the city and its relaxed atmosphere. He feels it offers the perfect combination of nature and urban life. He plays music (and recommends the jazz improvisation course at the Technion), enjoys hiking in Israel and abroad, and is interested in history and oriental philosophy (especially Buddhism).
" Don't hesitate to join the program! In addition to the scholarship you'll receive to help you focus on your studies, you'll meet some of the best students in the faculty, make connections, and enjoy fascinating and enriching lectures "

Born in 2001, Shaza studies computer science in the four-year track. During high school, she enjoyed her mathematics and computer courses and decided to continue her academic studies in this field. She says that she is happy with her decision to study computer science at the Technion, and hopes to pursue advanced degrees in the academic world. Shaza is part of the ISEF scholarship program and volunteers for social projects as a teacher and mentor in mathematics and physics. She works in a student position as a software engineer at Intel.
" Don’t think twice about joining Lapidim. It's a fun, enriching program that gives you the opportunity to meet great people – it's definitely the right place to be "

Born in 2001, Lian studies computer science in the three-year track. She says she chose to study computer science because it is a field that has always interested her. She enjoys mathematics and computer science, and as a child, attended a science-themed day camp at the Technion four years in a row. At the day camp, she learned mathematics, robotics, and science. She plans to pursue an academic career in the field. Lian was born in Haifa and enjoys hiking.
" The program is an excellent opportunity to meet leaders in the field of research and entrepreneurship, and to learn from their experiences. It also helps you meet intelligent, talented peers "

Born in 1999, Amir studies computer science in the three-year track. He has always liked puzzles, algorithms, and numbers, and knew that he wanted to learn more about this field and use his skills to contribute to science and all of humanity. He likes dancing, climbing, reading, and playing computer games.
" Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go" (Albert Einstein). "

Born in 1999, Omer studies computer science in the three-year track. Omer works at Argus Cyber Security as a security architect, and says he chose computer science because he was familiar with only specific aspects of the field and wanted to learn more. He served in the IDF 8200 intelligence unit, and then began his studies at the Technion while continuing to work in the industry. He enjoys music and has been playing instruments for more than ten years.
" If you are interested in combining computer science with entrepreneurship, this program is the place for you!" "

Born in 1998, Opal studies computer science in the four-year track. She says that she had dreamt of studying at the Technion since she was a child, and thanks to her job in the IDF as a data analyst, she learned to love the field and decided to study computer science. She is very happy with her choice, and especially enjoys the courses that are based on logical thinking. Opal grew up in Nahariya and has three sisters. Her life has always revolved around music. She plays piano, sings, and dances ballet and hip-hop. In the army, she served as a data analyst in the Intelligence Corps – first as a soldier and then as a commander. She has always enjoyed learning, developing her skills, and juggling a busy schedule. She believes that more you do, the more good you do.
" I recommend joining the program, meeting people who inspire you, and exposing yourself to new worlds and opportunities. It helps you find your professional path, and is a unique opportunity to learn about entrepreneurship "

Born in 1996, Jonathan studies in the general three-year track. He chose computer science because he has been interested in computers since he was a child. After gaining experience in the IDF and the industry, he decided to expand his theoretical knowledge in the field and started studying at the Technion. He says that his studies expose him to the rich world of mathematical theory, and pose challenges that help him learn and grow. Jonathan is originally from Haifa and studied at the Ironi A high school. After high school, he attended the Gal IDF preparatory program in Acre, a program that develops leadership skills, social awareness, and active social involvement in youth from the periphery. He served in the IDF for four years in a technological position in the 8200 intelligence unit, and then worked as a developer at a startup company. He enjoys programming, sports, reading, playing chess, and spending time with friends. He has five years of MMA training.
" The program gave me the opportunity to spend time with talented people with advanced technological and entrepreneurial skills, and to meet entrepreneurs and leading figures from the hi-tech industry. The program creates an environment that develops and enhances these skills "

Born in 1998, studies computer science in the three-year BSc track. Adi chose computer science because she feels it enables her to use her analytic thinking skills as well as creative problem-solving strategies. She says that constant challenge is the key to the growth and self-development that is necessary to pursue a career in a rapidly changing technological world. Adi lives in Haifa, attended the Reali high school, and majored in medical biology and chemistry. She served as an HR officer in the IDF Medical Corps, and enjoys dancing and traveling.
" The program offers a unique opportunity for educating and empowering interactions with the world of entrepreneurship, and for meeting and forming ties with talented people in order to acquire practical skills for becoming entrepreneurs and for transforming ideas into reality "

Tom was born in 1997 and is in the three-year computer science program. He chose to study computer science because he enjoys dealing with unique challenges using technological tools and thinking outside of the box. He loves to read, play volleyball, engage in extreme sports and travel in Israel and abroad.
" An investment in knowledge pays the best interest – Benjamin Franklin "

Koren was born in 1996 and is in the three-year computer science program in the learning and information analysis track. He chose to study computer science because he is very enthusiastic about the technological world, especially about data science and its applications. He is interested in acquiring knowledge and tools at the highest level, which he hopes to use to create advanced technology-based products and implement his ideas. In high school he took advanced courses in physics and computer science. After finishing high school, he volunteered for one year at the “Kedma” youth village and mentored a group of youths from various backgrounds. In his army service, he served in an intelligence unit in a technology position, which increased his interest in technology and innovation. After his discharge, he began studying on his own about the world of entrepreneurship and worked in a start-up company called Bright Data in order to get to know the industry from close up. He loves to travel, to roam the world and get acquainted with new cultures.
" The program is an opportunity to open up to the world of entrepreneurship in parallel to getting an academic degree and to be part of a group whose members have similar objectives. "

Adi was born in 1995 and is in the computer science and mathematics program. She chose to take this program because she loves the combination between mathematical theory and the practicality of computer science in order to solve difficult problems. Adi grew up in Lapid, a small community, and went to ALEH high school. She loves, more or less, anything that includes sports and nature – especially diving, longs treks and bicycle riding. Today she works for a company as part of an algorithm and image processing team.
" To leave your imprint on the world it’s not enough to have strong analytical abilities and innovative ideas – you also need to know how to operationalize them, Lapidim gives anyone interested in this the tools to succeed in industry and in the world of entrepreneurship "

Nitai was born in 1998 and is in the three-year computer science program. He chose to study computer science because all his life he loved mathematics and solving all kinds of riddles. Computer science is exactly the subject in which you learn how to solve logic problem using algorithms, and, essentially for him, it is easy to learn how to solve riddles. Nitai grew up in Zichron Yaakov, went to “The Moshava” high school where he took advanced courses in physics and computer science. In his army service he served as a tank commander in a tank battalion. He loves to walk through nature, do CrossFit, and martial arts and always wants to learn new things.
" Lapidim is a program that challenges students in the area of entrepreneurship and projects, beyond what is needed to get a degree. Whoever likes challenges, this is the place for them. "

Lior was born in 1996 and is in the computer science and mathematics program. He chose to study computer science and mathematics because the field of computers has interested him very much since he was in high school. He chose to combine computer science studies with mathematics because he believes that these are areas that have synergy and enable one to have a broad view of very interesting areas in computers such as algorithms, complex problem solving and more. Lior lives in Haifa and went to Reali high school where he took advanced courses in computer science, physics and Arabic. In his military service, he served as an officer in Unit 8200. He loves to travel and play basketball.
" The field of entrepreneurship interests me very much and appeals to me. In addition, the program gives you opportunities to meet talented and interesting people who are involved in the same areas as you. "

Yuval was born in 1996 and is in the computer engineering program. He chose computer engineering because the program combines courses in computer science and electrical engineering, which allows him to study a broad range of topics and become adept in subjects that interest him. Yuval was born in Netanya and went to “ORT Gutman” high school. He has a twin brother and two younger sisters. He served in Unit 8200 in the cyber unit for five years. His hobbies are to play saxophone, run and wall climb.
" The program enables you to get exposed to the world of entrepreneurship and industry even as you’re just studying and then develop tools and skills beyond the academic knowledge acquired through courses. "

Yoav was born in 2002 and is in the software engineering program. He chose to study software engineering because already at an early age, the world of technology interested him very much – revolutionary inventions and a world whose latent opportunities captivated him then and still now. The field of computer science gives you the tools to initiate, create and make changes in this world, and influence tomorrow. It allows you to study areas such as artificial intelligence, algorithms, robotics, and logic in depth and through them to invent new technologies and implement them. Yoav was born and raised in Tel Aviv, the middle child between an older sister and a younger sister. He went to Telma Yalin high school and was in the jazz, bass guitar and electric guitar track. He began his military service in pilot school and during the checking stage, he signed a waiver in order to join the Psagot program, where he is today. He loves to play music, and sports, to run, swim and play basketball. In his free time, he enjoys reading books. He likes to travel and stretch himself to the limits of his abilities.
" If you want to lead, initiate, and create projects and ideas in the field of computer science – this is the place for you to study! The program exposes you to entrepreneurs from industry and enables you to learn from their past experience. It creates an important contact network for you for now and for the future, and encourages future technological breakthroughs. The Lapidim program combines excellent learning and entrepreneurial thinking, and thus enables you to enrich your studies in the Faculty and gain added value. "

Gali was born in 1997 and is in the computer engineering program. She chose to study computer engineering because she finds the hardware field very interesting and wants to know and understand computers and how they work in-depth and at their most basic level. She is also interested in the combination of computer science and other areas and the huge impact and possible contributions such synergy may have. Today, she works at Intel, a student employee working on formal verification in the Thunderbolt group. In addition, she is part of the Faculty’s student committee. She grew up on the Bnei Dror moshav, went to “Dror” high school in the systems design and programming track and took advanced courses in computer science and physics. In parallel, Gali was a counselor in the Bnei Moshavim youth movement. She trained for a decade in the Olympic sport of target shooting with a pistol and was part of the Israeli team. She was the Israeli young adult champion a number of times while still a cadet. She participated in competitions in Israel and around the world. During her military service, she was drafted as an outstanding sportswoman and after that served as a SAP implementer in the navy’s computerization unit. During her service in the standing army, she began taking courses through the Open University and from there transferred to the Technion. She loves to swim, dive, travel and trek, learn new languages and photography.
" The program allows you to get exposed to the world of entrepreneurship and leadership in high tech and to create important connections for the future, while being in an environment that aspires to excellence and encourages you. "

Barak was born in 1997 and is in the three-year computer science program. He chose to study computer science because he has always seen himself as a problem solver, was always interested in riddles and knew that what he studied would be a milestone on his track to becoming an entrepreneur. Beyond his academic life, Barak also enjoys the social life on Technion campus in general and specifically, in the Faculty – it has surprised him, positively speaking. Barak came to the Technion by first going to the Open University, where he took courses while in the army. Barak left school in grade 10 in order to chase other objectives. He served as an intelligence officer and was discharged after five years of service. He loves rock climbing, sightseeing in Israel and abroad, competitive programming, and playing chess and games in general.
" I recommend being exposed to industry in parallel to studying in order to create a more complete and richer learning experience. It is best to do this as fast as possible, whether through work or through a project, and the Lapidim program provides the best environment for networking and nurturing the management and entrepreneurial leadership skills, which is difficult to get elsewhere. "

Eitan was born in 2002 and is in the Psagot software engineering program. He chose to study computer science because he was exposed to the field in high school and it interested and he wanted to continue studying it. Also, according to Eitan, computer science is a very challenging field that is continually developing and demands creative thinking outside of the box. Eitan was born in Switzerland and when he was seven-years-old, his parents came on Aliyah and settled in Raanana. He studied technology sciences in the physics and computer science track in Kfar Batya. His final school project dealt with image processing and machine learning, which he carried out at the Weizmann Institute.
" The Lapidim program is a unique opportunity to be exposed to the practical side of computer science and acquire tools from the world of entrepreneurship and leadership. "

Or was born in 1998 and is in the three-year computer science program. He chose to study computer science after being exposed to the world of technological development in the army and in industry. As he puts it, he understood that to advance, to deal with and lead areas in which he is interested, he has to have the knowledge and tools that are gained in formal university studies. Thus far, his learning experience has been challenging but very enjoyable. At the age of 7, Oren moved with his family to the U.S.; they returned to Israel when he was 13 and about a year later, the family decided to go back to the U.S. Oren finished high school in the U.S. and decided to join the Israeli military as part of the Tzofim Garin Tzabar (IDF’s lone soldier program). He served in the army in Unit 8200 as a lone soldier and after his discharge worked for about a half a year in a high-tech company as a data scientist, prior to beginning his university studies.
" The program is full of opportunities to develop in different directions. It is a place where you’re given a lot of support to help you realize your vision/aspirations and objectives in personal and professional terms. "

Born in 1995, Ohad is enrolled in the computer science and mathematics course. He is enjoying his studies immensely. He came to his studies without any background in computer sciences but knew that the field interested him. He is combining computer science with math because math also interests him a lot and he feels that the combination is right and also enriches him. Ohad was raised in Kfar Vradim. He went to high school in Haifa and completed 10 units of music. He plays the drums and piano. He was drafted into the air force and after about a year and a half was dropped from the course and went to the Golani Brigade. There he commanded a platoon and afterward a team of cadets. Today he lives in Haifa and studies at the Technion. He loves music and sports.
" "

Born in 1995, Ori is enrolled in the computer engineering track. He chose to study computer science because he loves to delve into solving problems using computers. Using the correct code and programming, we can solve problems or calculate complex formula in a couple of seconds compared to other people who may take days and nights to solve them. According to Ori, the great effort that one must invest in one’s studies is not a cliché and as an example, he presents himself. He did not finish high school and especially did not take computer science or physics at the level needed to get into the Technion. And despite this, after his army service, he began the Technion’s preparatory course, finished it as an outstanding student and continued to computer science studies at the Technion. In terms of hobbies, he loves to swim, read books and learn new things.
" This place is meant for those who are not willing to give up on themselves. Those who will also fight after failures and obstacles are those who will always walk with their head held high and continue on. If entrepreneurship, leadership and looking forward describes you, this is your place. "

Born in 1994, Roi is enrolled in the four-year computer science degree program. He chose to study computer science in order to acquire the tools to realize his ideas. He loves to think and challenge himself, and the field of computer science is replete with challenging problems so it’s the field he chose to study. Originally from Holon, today Roi lives in Haifa. He went to Yitzhak Navon High School and completed the computer science track. In the army, he served in the ELINT section of Unit 8200, and afterward worked for a year and a half in a high-tech company involved in communications. He loves long-distance running, diving and travelling the world.
" Whoever wants to be more exposed to the world of entrepreneurship, new developments, and to integrate into management positions in the future, this is the program for them! "

Born in 1997, Roni is enrolled in the computer science and mathematics course. Already in high school, Roni loved computer science and math, with computer science her favorite. It was clear to her that she would take a combination of the two when she went to university. Roni was born and grew up in Herzliya and went to Rishonim High School. She completed the chemistry, physics and computer science track. She participated in the math programs for gifted youth at Bar-Ilan University and finished her mathematics matriculation exams in grade 10. She had a very meaningful year as a cadet in the “Ami Chai” pre-army preparatory program in Kibbutz Cramim, a social-Zionist leadership preparatory program. In the army, she served as an electro-optical technician, in the technology unit of Military Intelligence
" "

Born in 1998, Sivan studied in the combined computer science and mathematics program and graduated in 2022. As a student, she worked as a software engineer at Intel, and is now an algorithm engineer in the compilers group at Mobileye. She says that that she really enjoyed her studies, and especially liked the courses on algorithms and AI. She lives in northern Israel and was a dancer for 15 years. She still tries to dance every so often, for fun and for her soul.
" I met some of my best friends by participating in the program, who I probably wouldn't have met otherwise. I was exposed to fascinating material that BSc students don't usually learn, which I found very enriching. It opened new horizons for me "

Born in 1994, Nesi is enrolled in the three-year computer science degree program. He chose to study computer science because he has always been interested in the field of computer science, complex problem-solving using algorithms, and pieces of code looked like magic to him. Studies at the Technion, and especially the math courses in first year, were hard but challenging and very satisfying. Nesi was born and grew up in Migdal. He went to the ORT High School in Ma’ala in Tiberias. After finishing his studies and before starting his army service, he worked for his family in agriculture for about a half a year. In 2013, he was drafted to pilot school but dropped out after about a year and continued to an air traffic controller course. After finishing the course, he was assigned to a unit in the north, where he served as an air traffic controller for five years. He was discharged from the army with the rank of captain, and shortly afterward married.
" "

Born in 2000, Maroun is enrolled in the three-year computer science degree program. He really enjoys his studies in the Faculty and the material he is studying is fascinating. Moreover, he enjoys the parties in the Technion and the Faculty activities. Maroun was born in Haifa and went to the Italian School. He plays the violin and the viola, loves to play soccer and travel abroad. Already in high school, he was drawn to the field of computers and knew he was going to study computer science in university. After finishing high school and before coming to the Technion, he worked at a startup and his passion for the field of computer science, on the one hand, and for the field of entrepreneurship and management, on the other hand, only grew. Accordingly, he decided to apply to the Lapidim program that combines both fields.
" I warmly recommend joining the program. As a student in the program, you can learn, experience and understand many, many things that aren’t bounded by the syllabus leading to a degree, and obviously, knowledge is power. "

Born in 1995, studied computer science in the three-year BSc track and graduated in 2022. He is now completing his MA in computer science at the Technion in the field of software caches. He had a student job at Intel, where he developed AI tools that used smart methods to select the tests to be run on the processor to guarantee minimum testing with maximum coverage. He now works at Microsoft on an online excel team and develops infrastructure for AI features. Yaniv chose to study computer science because he had always been interested in computers. When he majored in computers in high school, he discovered the kind of cognitive processes that were needed, including thinking outside of the box, solving complex problems, and transforming solutions into algorithms. This made him realize that he wanted to pursue a career in computers. Yaniv attended the Leo-Beck high school in Haifa, and then volunteered for a year of national service at the Israeli Scouts youth movement, before being recruited for army service in Regiment 50 of the Nahal Brigade. He loves hiking and traveling, and after completing his army service, he hiked the entire Israel Trail and then spend five months traveling in the East.
" I highly recommend joining the program to experience the excellent content it offers on leadership and entrepreneurship "

Born in 1998, studied computer science in the three-year BSc program and graduated in 2022. Hadas is now an MA student in the Faculty of Computer Science. She worked as a software engineer at Nvidia. She has known she wanted to study computer science at the Technion since she was a young girl, and therefore it was an easy decision to make. During high school, Hadas majored in computers and physics, which confirmed that she was on the right track. When she began her studies, she realized how much she enjoyed mathematics, algorithms, and diverse aspects of computer science, and decided to study for an MA in order to deepen her knowledge, gain experience with research, and teach one of her favorite courses from her BSc. Hadas was born in Ramat Gan and now lives in Tel Aviv. She studied at the Bilu high school in Ramat Gan, and served in the IDF 8200 intelligence unit as a data analyst and product manager. Hadas loves dancing, cooking, and swimming, and is a Maccabi Tel Aviv basketball fan.
" There's no doubt about it! Definitely join! It's an excellent program that includes lectures and workshops, and creates opportunities for professional and academic careers. I met my supervisor for my MA thesis through the program, for example "

Born in 1997, Dor is enrolled in the computer science and physics track. He chose to study computer science because ever since he was young, he was drawn to riddles and thinking games and because of this, learned on his own during high school how to program. When he understood how significant a field computer science is for our lives, he decided to study the field and make it his career. In addition, he also decided to combine physics studies with it because he enjoys the special relationship between physics and computer science—where physics describes the real world and computer science creates a new reality. Dor grew up in Zichron Ya’akov, went to the Mevo’ot Irron High School and studied in the physics and Arabic tracks. In the army Dor served as a soldier and chief (commander of mechanics) on the naval patrol boats based in Haifa Bay. His hobbies are solving riddles, playing computer games and Brazilian jujitsu.
" I believe that the Lapidim project provides tools that are essential today, if we want to realize fully the potential inherent in every one of us. "

Born in 2001, Or is enrolled in the advanced software engineering track. He chose to study computer science because, today, computers are a scientific field with the greatest impact on humanity and are central to our lives. It is also a field that he already knew very well before starting his studies, having locked onto to it in high school and the “Magshimim” program. Or especially likes the area of algorithms and databases, and in general likes any topic in computer science that is closely related to mathematics. Or is an army reserve student in the Psagot program. He originally lived in Jerusalem, went to the Lida High School and is the oldest of four boys. He plays basketball and swims for fun, runs as a sport, and tries to read as many books as he can between semesters. He loves to spend time with friends, hike in Israel and travel abroad.
" If you’re an entrepreneur through-and-through and you have creative ideas in technological areas that you’re interested in realizing in the future, this is the place where you’ll get the tools that will help you create, initiate, lead projects and choose entrepreneurship as a way of life. In the program, we get special training in entrepreneurship and leadership skills and even learn from the rich experiences of active entrepreneurs. In addition, through the program you get to meet outstanding people, individuals with strong entrepreneurial instincts, with whom you can stay in contact even after you finish your studies—and embark on joint projects, or consult with them on professional matters. In short, I highly recommend you join! "

Born in 1994, Ofir is enrolled in the three-year computer science degree program. He works at IBM in NLP R&D. He chose to study computer science because it is a broad area touching many fields and, using it, you can solve problems and improve the quality of life of many people. In the army, Ofir served as an office for four and a half years in Unit 8200. He loves to travel and participate in sports. He is also a member of the Technion’s Debate Team.
" "

Born in 2000, Ahmed is enrolled in the four-year computer science degree program. He chose to study computer science because computer scientists improve the world. He lives in Musmus and went the El-Ahalyya-Atid High School. Today, he works as a social mentor in the Technion’s Equal Opportunities Project and among his hobbies, he counts computer games, football/soccer and running.
" Lapidim is an enriching program, which gives its students opportunities to be exposed to the profession in the broadest and deepest sense. In addition, the program will help you integrate into the world of high tech that much faster. I warmly recommend joining the program. "

Born in 1995, studied computer science in the three-year BSc track and graduated in 2022. During his studies, he worked at Amazon's Annapurna Labs, and went on to work there full time after graduating. Asaf says that he chose computer science because when he majored in computers in high school, he knew that it was what he liked best. Asaf served in the IDF intelligence corps, and now lives in Haifa with his wife. He enjoys reading, especially science fiction and fantasy.
" I think Lapidim is an excellent program. It exposes students to diverse aspects of entrepreneurship that they don’t encounter as part of their regular studies. Participants are surrounded by interesting and intelligent people who create a fun and enriching atmosphere "

Born in 1991, studied computer science in the three-year BSc track and graduated in 2022. Jonathan worked as a software engineer at Microsoft, in cloud security. He says that cloud computing is a field with endless intellectual challenges, which is why he enjoys it so much. One course that has been very helpful for his career is statistics, and he thinks it should be mandatory. Jonathan is originally from Jerusalem, graduated from Boyar high school, is married to Ariella, and has one son. His plays basketball and computer games in his spare time
" The program makes sure to include great people, not only those with high grades. The people I met at Lapidim significantly improved my learning experience, and the relationships we formed will remain intact long after we graduate. The requirements of the program exposed me to practical and fascinating information, and that is definitely an advantage "

Born in 1987, studied in the dual mathematics and computer science BSc track and graduated in 2016. He worked at Refael as a student in 2015–2016, interned at Yahoo in 2017, and since 2018 he has been working at Starkware Industries. He completed his MA in information management, magna cum laude.
" The main advantage of the program is the ties that are formed with the very talented people you meet there. This is very helpful during your studies and after you graduate. My current workplace has an entire community of Lapidim graduates "

Tal was born in 1994, studied computer science in the three-year BSc track, and graduated in 2020. He says that formal studies in computer science seemed like a natural choice after six years of practical experience in the IDF 8200 intelligence unit and then in the hi-tech industry. He says his academic studies included theoretical information that he never would have been exposed to otherwise (where else would you wonder how a compiler works, and actually understand it?). He then continued with MA studies in computer science theory, and now works in security research at Argus Cyber Security. Tal grew up in Gedera, and after serving in IDF Intelligence Unit 8200, he moved to Tel Aviv for two years. In his spare time, Tal enjoys playing musical instruments, solving puzzles, baking, running, and playing computer games.
" Lapidim is an excellent supplement to the regular computer science program. It gives students the opportunity to learn about fields that they probably wouldn’t have discovered otherwise, but are very important life skills, such as entrepreneurship, leadership, management, and more "

Born in 1995, Ronny is enrolled in the three-year track. He chose to study computer science because it had always seemed like magic to him. In his view, if there’s a problem that take a long time to solve or that cannot be solved by humans, all one needs, in general, is make a really big one-time effort to create “magic” that will solve the problem in a reliable and quick way from here on in. There is nothing like it anywhere. Raised in Haifa, Ronny studied in the physics, economics, business and Arabic track in the Reali High School. In the army, he served in Unit 8200. He loves to jog, travel the world, learn new things, meet new people and see good quality films. He was a football judge for eight years, as part of the Israel Football Association, and in that capacity, judged second tier football games, sometimes with large crowds, in different and varied locations in the north of the country.
" I warmly recommend the program to any student interested in developing her- or himself in terms of entrepreneurship and leadership, and who wants to add a practical and enriching slant to their studies at the Technion. "

Born in 1994, Yonatan is enrolled in the four-year track. He chose to study computer science because he was drawn to the field as an abstract one using technology and mathematics to solve very complex programs. In addition, he is very interested in artificial intelligence and in the shape the world is taking and changing using it. Yonatan was born in the US and came to Israel when he was two years old. He served in the army as a ground control officer in the operational headquarters of the air force. He loves to play guitar and the piano, to play basketball and watch American sports
" The program constitutes a unique opportunity to develop oneself and get exposed to entrepreneurship fields and industry leaders, beyond one’s undergraduate studies "

Born in 1998, Hasan is enrolled in the three-year track. He chose to study computer science after getting a taste of it during his high school studies and after taking the Full Stack course, Founders and Coders, and working on a few projects. In his view, studying in university is not easy but it is an opportunity to learn, to advance and to grow. Hasan lives in Umm al-Fahm and plays the violin and loves to sing. In his opinion, he always loved new things and challenging himself. Today, he works as a social coordinator in the Department of Computer Science as part of the Equal Opportunities Project
" Lapidim is a program that encourages students not only to continue to succeed in their studies but also to be entrepreneurs. The program also provides a warm atmosphere and a sense of belonging, in addition to providing students with help that enables them to focus on their studies without worrying about financial aspects. "

Born in 199, Heba is enrolled in the four-year track. According to her, the decision to study computer science was obvious. She has always loved challenging herself and problem-solving, and since studying programming in high school, had been in love with the field. In her view, computer science is a pioneering and interesting profession, and constitutes a key to advancement of any other technological subject. She loves to play piano in her spare time, to jog and to travel around the world.
" The program is an excellent platform for getting exposed to and integrating into industry and broadening one’s horizons already in university, in a supportive environment composed of outstanding people from the department. And in my opinion, it will help anyone who gets accepted to utilize their potential. "

Born in 1996, Boris studied computer science in the three-year BSc track and graduated in 2021. He chose computer science because it is a dynamic field that offers the option of developing things that are helpful and beneficial for others. He chose the three-year program in order to acquire theoretical knowledge on the one hand, and to be able to begin working in the field as quickly as possible on the other. He enjoys sports, learning, and creating new things (making ideas became reality). He was a basic training officer during his IDF military service
" The program is an excellent way to meet great people and expand your worldview beyond what you learn in university "

Born in 1995, Gal is enrolled in the general three-year track. She chose to study computer science because, by coding, she believes one can transform any idea into something real and create something from nothing. In addition, she loves mathematics and, therefore, chose computer science because the degree that combines mathematics with programming seemed to be the best program for her. She lives in Ra’anana and graduated from Ostrovsky High School, having completed the physics and chemistry track. She served in Unit 8200 and afterwards worked for a year and a half as a software tester in a communications company. She is a member of Technion’s women’s basketball team and in general likes to play sports. In addition, she likes to plan trips and travel around the globe.
" Anyone who is looking to combine entrepreneurship and computer science studies – this is the program for them. The program provides important tools for entrepreneurs just starting out and offers a springboard into work in industry. "

Born in 1994, studied computer science in the three-year BSc track and graduated in 2022. During his studies, Gal worked as a student at Microsoft and now works there full time. He says he chose to study computer science because he felt it was a gateway to the world of hi-tech, with the wide range of jobs and opportunities it can offer. He was always attracted to technology, and computer science is an integral part of almost every technology innovation. Gal was born in Nahariya and attended the Manor Cabri high school, where he majored in computers, physics, and Arabic. He then began a pilot training course, left after the screening flight stage, and joined the airborne intelligence unit as a soldier and then an officer.
" The program enriched us in a wide range of fields, and included lectures given by people from different parts of the industry and different backgrounds. The Lapidim community members are always there to support and help one another, and I can't think of any good reason not to join "

" "

Born in 1995, Adi studied computer science in the three-year BSc track and graduated in 2020. She completed her MA studies in computer science at Tel Aviv university. She now works as a software architect at NVIDIA. She says that one thing she remembers most from her years at the Technion was the semester she spent in Singapore as part of the student exchange program. She describes those years as very special and different from the rest of her studies, and an opportunity to study at one of the best universities in the world. Adi grew up in Haifa, and loves to dance. She was a teleprocessing officer in the IDF and served in the Golan Heights, where she was response for a platoon of technicians. Her job required frequent travel and a high level of professionalism. She met her future husband during their BSc studies, also a graduate of the Lapidim program.
" The program is full of talented people. It is a wonderful environment that can offer a wide range of new opportunities for the present and the future "

Born in 1995, Noa studied computer science in the three-year BSc track and graduated in 2021. She has worked as a software developer at Vayyar and at Amazon (AWS), and enjoys musicals and knitting hats.
" Definitely join! The people are great and the activities are wonderful. I learned so much from the program, and it was a very important part of my degree "

Born in 1999, Nader studied computer science in the three-year BSc track and graduated in 2021. He is now studying for an MA in computer science as a Fullbright fellow at Columbia University in New York. He has been working as a software engineer at Microsoft for the past three years, and is especially interested in software architecture and systems and in cloud technology. Nader says that the Lapidim program is enriching and exposes students to fields and skills they are less likely to encounter during their studies, especially social skills and entrepreneurship.
" The added value of being part of the Lapidim program is the opportunity to meet people, make good friends, and create genuine bonds "

Born in 1992, Yishayah is taking a double major in bioinformatics and computer science. Yishayah chose to study bioinformatics because he believes it to be a fascinating field, combining today’s broad knowledge of biology with the extraordinary abilities of computers. This track is the basis of future medicine. Yishayah studied in Horev high school yeshiva and, in the army, served as a commander in the Givati Brigade infantry division. He loves to play basketball and to hike
" The Lapidim program encourages its participants to think creatively, outside of the box, which in turn stimulates their abilities to initiate and develop "

Born in 1999, Gal studied software engineering in the Psagot program and completed her BSc in 2021. As a student, she worked as a software developer on a data science team at a startup company called Diagnostic Robotics, and was an assistant teacher in a course on algorithms in the Faculty of Computer Science. She did her MA research with Prof. Assaf Schuster, and talked about the privilege she had to work on projects in hospitals during her studies, to learn with international students, and to compete internationally as part of the Technion swimming team. Gal enjoyed her studies very much, and describes it as a time of many new and unique experiences. She now serves in the IDF 8200 intelligence unit and enjoys traveling and cooking.
" Lapidim is a great place to meet amazing people, acquire practical tools and learn the most fascinating things possible. It really makes the faculty feel like home "

Born in 1999, Bahjat is studying in the four-year computer science track. Since childhood, he has enjoyed programming. At the age of seven, he began building websites and built a number of small projects. Bahjat was born in Nazareth and has previously worked from home, programming for a US start-up. He is a graduate of the MEET Program for Entrepreneurship and Computer Science and dreams of launching his own successful start-up. He loves to watch soccer games, spend time with his friends and is always ready for a FIFA game.
" Try to enjoy not only the period of your studies, but also the studies themselves. If you don’t enjoy the studies, most likely you’re not in the right study track for you "

Born in 1992, Elia is enrolled in the three-year computer science degree track. Elia, a graduate of the Bnei Zion Leadership Academy in Tel Aviv, served four and a half years in the Givati Reconnaissance Battalion beginning as a combat soldier moving up to the position of platoon commander and assistant platoon commander in a platoon commanders’ course.
" Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are” – The Technion, beyond being a framework for learning, provides an excellent and high-quality social environment. The Lapidim program takes this principle to the limit "

Born in 1995, Daniel is studying for a double major degree in mathematics and computer science. Daniel chose to study computer science because it is a challenging and innovative field and the combination of the field with high mathematical abilities should enable her to work in interesting and exciting areas. Daniel, who lives in Petach Tikvah, graduated from the “Ahad Ha’am” high school’s gifted students track. She served as a logistics officer in the Armored Corps and loves to dance the salsa.
" The program combines the computer science field with the field of management and entrepreneurship. If these are fields that interest you – I highly recommend you join the program! "

Born in 1998, Dan is enrolled in the software engineering track. He chose to study computer science because he sees it as a very central field today, used in many other areas—whether because of the computer science way of thinking, its algorithms or the use of computers to perform tasks. At the age of 10, Dan came on “aliyah”, moving from the US to Tel Mond, where he finished school. During high school, he studied in the science-engineering track, where he was introduced to the fields of biology, electronics and algorithms. His studies in this track led him to appreciate the field of entrepreneurship and understand the need for studying in order to acquire a wide range of knowledge from which solutions can be found to existing problems. Dan is a reserve officer who will complete his army service after graduating.
" In my opinion, anyone who aspires to be an entrepreneur and a leader should try to be part of this program. I believe that the enrichment sessions and meetings with industry leaders will give us important tools for succeeding and advancing in the field of entrepreneurship. Moreover, we are joining a group of outstanding students in the faculty that can help each other continue to excel in our studies "

Born in 1995, Gilad is enrolled in the computer engineering study track.
" "

Born in 1994, Barak studied computer science in the three-year BSc track, specializing in learning and information analysis. He graduated in 2022 and now works as an algorithm expert at Qedma Quantum Computing. Barak says that during his studies, he was interested in many different fields and had a hard time choosing courses. He tried to balance his diverse interests and chose courses in various fields. He says that he has always been very interested in science and mathematics, and the more he learned, the more curious he became. Barak’s interests include economics, humanities, and philosophy, and he enjoys reading about things that interest him, listening to lectures, and learning more about those fields.
" Lapidim teaches you many soft skills and new ways of thinking about people and business. I think these are relevant for promoting your ideas and for moving up within systems comprising different types of people. I can already feel the contribution of the program, as a new graduate working in a startup company "

Born in 1998, studied in the advanced software engineering track, and graduated in 2020. Yarden says he was drawn to computer science because it is a developing field with endless potential. He now teaches a course on network security. Yarden moved to the U.S. at age nine when his father was relocated for work, and returned to Israel three years later. He attended the Mekif 11 high school in Rishon Letzion and enjoys playing guitar in his spare time.
" During my studies, I learned about many diverse fields in technology. The Lapidim program provides practical education and improves your familiarity with the technology industry, which is very important for people seeking to succeed in this sector "

Born in 1993, studied computer science in the three-year BSc track and graduated in 2020. Or has always been fascinated by computers, and the decision to study computer science at the Technion was a natural one. Computer science involves solving problems, thinking outside the box, and transforming ideas into reality, which is why he chose to study this field and to continue to enjoy working in a diverse and developing field. Or has worked at Referral-AI and Google (Suggest and Duplex). Or studied at the multidisciplinary high school in Hadera and majored in computer science and physics. He started playing basketball at a young age and continued until he began his studies, and still enjoys playing in his spare time. He also likes sports, snowboarding, and traveling around the world. Or lives in Givatayim
" It is a unique opportunity for exposure to important information about the world of entrepreneurship, and to build relationships with the other excellent people in the program "

Born in 1994, studied computer science in the three-year BSc track, and graduated in 2019. During his studies, Lior started working at Facebook Israel and still works there today. He says he had always been interested in computers and mathematics, and therefore choose computer science because it combines the two. He believes that computers are something that can be used to create amazing things that can have an enormous impact on the world. Lior grew up in Kiryat Chaim and now lives in Rehovot. He enjoys reading, watching movies, and traveling.
" The program is an opportunity to meet amazing people and learn more about the hi-tech industry than you learn during your regular studies "

.Born in 1994, studied computer science in the three-year BSc track and graduated in 2020. Yarden says she was debating between computer science, electrical engineering, and medicine, and ended up choosing computer science, hoping that it would open many doors for her after she graduated, which was indeed the case. She quickly and easily found the job she had been looking for. She worked at Intel as an embedded software engineer, and at Mobileye as an algorithm developer and team leader. She studied at the Kiryat Chaim high school, served in the pilot training program for 18 months and then in the Israeli navy. She loves playing piano, playing beach volleyball, and walking her dogs on the beach. She is married to Alon and lives in Haifa.
" There is no reason not to join. The program has only advantages, interesting lectures on entrepreneurship, opportunities to expand your social circles, and a comfortable, shared work atmosphere "

Born in 1993, Rachel is enrolled in the double major program of physics and computer science and also works as a programmer in Aperio. She was exposed to the world of computers in the army and understood that this a broad and diverse world in she can find her place. She was born in Rehovot, served in the 8200 military unit as a soldier, becoming an officer and team leader.
" Why not? This is an opportunity to do something non-routine, which is always nice and enriching "

Born in 1995, Hadas is enrolled in the four-year computer science track. She views her studies at the Technion as challenging and rewarding. This is an opportunity to learn at the highest level and be exposed to the diverse and fascinating world of technology. Hadas served as the commander of a network information security team in the Information Systems, Processes and Computer Unit – the Navy’s computer division. She loves to sing, play guitar and draw.
" If you are interested in entrepreneurship, and want to get the most out of your undergraduate degree – this is the track for you "

Born in 1998, Tal is enrolled in the enhanced software engineering track. She chose to study computer science because, in her opinion, this is a dynamic area offering a wide range of opportunities, which may lead to solutions of significant problems and advance society. She lives in Or Yehuda, in the Neve Rabin neighborhood. Tal graduated from Ben Zvi High School in Kiryat Ono, with her focus on computers and Arabic. She spent several years swimming competitively and still loves to swim. She continues to practice, work out and run. Tal is a military reservist in the Psagot program.
" The LAPIDIM program is a path to knowledge and empowerment both in the field of technology and management; the combination of the two areas is a significant springboard "

Born in 1992, studied in the dual track BSc program in computer science and mathematics, and graduated in 2018. Eliya then completed her MA studies in computer science, and is now a PhD student at the biological network lab in the Faculty of Mathematics. Her research focuses on a field called computational neuroscience, which involves use of computational tools to create models of the nervous system and understand it better. During her studies, Eliya worked at Microsoft and Mellanox. She says she chose computer science because of her love for the thought and logic behind programming, and because she loved the idea of how great things can be created using code and the mind. She is also fascinated by the mathematical aspects of computer science, which is why she completed a BSc degree in mathematics as well. Her double degree expanded her knowledge and thinking skills, and gave her a unique perspective on life and on research. Eliya has lived in Tel Aviv her whole life, and studied at the Alliance high school there. She served in the IDF at the Ovda air force base in Mitzpe Ramon (in a control unit), and continued her service at the squadron base in Sde Dov. She enjoys playing and listening to music, and enjoys traveling. She has already traveled to different places around the world and hopes to travel or work in new places in the future
" I highly recommend the program! It exposes you to things that are happening in the hi-tech industry, which is something students don't usually experience. It is also a good way to get to know diverse, talented people in the faculty "

Born in 1996, Nicola is enrolled in the software engineering study track. He chose computer science because in this field, ideas can be turned into something real. He began his Technion career with a year in the preparatory program, which for him was a new and wonderful experience. He likes to ride all terrain bikes and play tennis.
" This is a good opportunity that enables you to be in an environment that makes your studies even more interesting. For instance, to be around people with high potential pushes you in a very nice way to improve yourself and go more in-depth into the field. This is in addition to activities and lectures that the program offers, which help students see the field of computer science from the perspective of industry. Let’s also not forget the benefits that the program provides its students within the Faculty as well as the scholarship "

Born in 1990, Niko is enrolled in the general computer science study track. He warmly recommends the algebra courses (A + B) given by Nir Ben-David. He thinks taking them is a rare academic and personal experience. Niko admits that “he talks too much".
" For a student who is interested in entrepreneurship and leadership, there is no reason not to try to join the program "

Born in 1977, Shai studied software engineering in the three-year program as part of the Psagot track, and graduated in 2019. He then studied for an MA in computer science under Prof. Benny Kimelfeld. Shai says that he chose computer science because it is a field he found very interesting, and that he is very happy with his decision. He says that his years in the BSc program were fascinating, and that the Lapidim program was very enriching.
" The Lapidim program was fascinating and special, compared to other things people do during their studies. In addition to the knowledge and experience I gained, I met wonderful people and made friends for life "

Born in 1991, graduated the computer engineering study track and works as a full stack developer for FanZone. He has always loved the field of computers and technology, so it was natural for him to study these at the Technion after also being involved with them during his army service. He served five and a half years as a soldier and then as an officer in the 8200 technology unit. In general, he loves sports, especially karate (he is on the Technion’s karate team).
" There is no reason why not. You meet good people and get exposed to interesting subjects "

Born in 1997, studied computer science in the three-year BSc track and graduated in 2018. He then completed his MSc in theories of computer science and is now an industrial analyst. Employment history: Research intern at Yahoo! & Amazon, quantitative researcher at WorldQuant. He describes computer science as a fascinating track that combines practice and high-level mathematic theory. He believes that the Technion has an excellent faculty and offers many opportunities for personal development. He especially recommends courses on complexity and crypto. Liron studied at the Madaim high school in Lod, is a member of a debate team, and enjoys occasional rock climbing.
" There's no reason not to join the program, which offers opportunities to get to know the industry, work with people with enormous potential, and receive ongoing support from the faculty "

Born in 1993, studied computer science in the three-year BSc track and graduated in 2019. He then completed his MA in computer science at Tel Aviv University in mathematical theory in deep learning, and presented a spotlight paper at the NeurIPS conference. He now works as an analyst and algorithm developer at Final, a company that develops algorithms for automatic algo-trading in the capital market. He thinks that computer science is a good combination of mathematical theory and algorithmic thinking, and he enjoyed every moment of his studies. He likes to solve puzzles, served in the IDF 8200 intelligent unity, and plays beach volleyball.
" It is an excellent program that brings you together with smart, active people who study together. The enrichment lectures and activities at Lapidim taught us so much about the industry and entrepreneurship and was an excellent preparation for joining the workforce "

Born in 1989, studied computer science in the three-year BSc track and graduated in 2017. Gal completed his MA at the faculty as well, with Dr. Kira Radinsky. Employment history: • IBM, Software engineer, Security research group • Microsoft, Software engineer, Azure Data Security • Microsoft, Software engineer & founding member, Azure IoT Security • Technion, Deep learning & natural language processing research, MA with Dr. Kira Radinsky, Diagnostic Robotics, NLP researcher • Eleos Health, Senior NLP analyst and engineer • Stealth, Co-founder & CEO
" "

Born in 1992, Elad graduated the enhanced software engineering program. Previously, Elad worked in programming and content management systems development. He believes that entrepreneurs should be able to set up the information systems they want, without having prior programming knowledge the computer should select the most appropriate algorithms for the task. At the Technion, he is learning not to accept the existing state of affairs, especially convincing solutions. He is a skeptic looking for finding new and creative solutions. In his spare time, he loves to run, particularly on the beach.
" The LAPIDIM program constitutes a golden opportunity for whoever is interested in developing a career in which he or she will lead creative and entrepreneurial processes that impact future technology "

Born in 1991, studied computer science in the four-year BSc track, and graduated in 2018. Employment history: R&D at ReasonLab, and vulnerability research at ZecOps. Currently a software developer at Island, as part of a core team that develops the organizational Chromium-based browser. Michael says that he has been interested in computer science since elementary school and knew that he wanted to pursue this as a profession. He debated between the three and four-year tracks, and says he is happy with his choice of the four-year track because he broadened his horizons during the fourth year and enjoyed many fascinating courses.
" I recommend this program for people who want to broaden their horizons on the industry and entrepreneurship and to meet intelligent people with similar aspirations "

Born in 1991, graduated the four-year computer science degree program in 2017. Works as a software development engineer at Microsoft. Computers have always interested him and the decision to study computer science at the Technion was a natural one for him. He was born in Haifa, graduated from the Reali High School and served in the 8200 IDF unit. Gal plays soccer and tennis, and generally, loves sports.
" If you want to go far in the area of computers, the LAPIDIM program is a fabulous starting point "

Born in 1990, studied computer science in the three-year BSc track and graduated in 2018. Employment history: Software engineer at IBM, DRW, and Google. Valentin says that he has always been fascinated by the fact that computers can solve so many problems. A degree in computer science from the Technion was the most natural way for him to deepen his understanding of the world of computer and to learn how to use computers to solve the problems that interest him. Valentin enjoys kitesurfing, visiting exotic places, forming new relationships, and solving difficult and interesting problems. He majored in computer science at the Amal high school in Nahariya, served as an IDF patrol commander at a base near Ramallah, and developed Flash games between patrols. He studies copywriting in his spare time, and works on independent projects.
" It is an excellent program that creates ties between students and the most powerful people in the industry, which is a huge advantage for those involved "

Born in 1994, studied in the dual computer science and mathematics BSc track, and graduated in 2019. She completed her MA in computer science at the Technion, and is now working on a PhD as part of the Technion’s direct track. During her BSc studies she worked as a software developer at ScaleIO, and as a graduate student, she interned as a researcher at Vast Data during the summer of 2020 and at Pinecone during the summer of 2022. Daniella has loved mathematics since high school and chose the dual degree in mathematics and computer science at the Technion in order to get a taste of both worlds. She says she loves to analyze and learn, and now supports graduate students. She enjoys the academia and feels that it is the place for her. It is important to her to expose children and youth to the academic world, and therefore she volunteers at schools.
" At Lapidim, I met talented people who later became my classmates. They all continue to do wonderful things and some of them are still my close friends. The program also gave me the opportunity to meet senior figures from the industry at an early stage in my studies, and one of the meetings even paved the way towards my first job in the field "

Born in 1992, graduated the four-year computer science degree program. He loves sports, music and photography. He dreams of finishing his studies and doing extremely well. Especially his BSc.
" I would recommend to every outstanding student that he or she joins LAPIDIM. The program provides (asides from its significant benefits) a warm home in the Faculty, both in terms of friends in the program and on the part of the teaching staff. It is a wonderful feeling. The program’s unique content gives us rare exposure to the real world outside, and its added value is inestimable. "

Born in 1985, graduated the Software Engineering track in 2013. As a student he worked as an intelligence systems developer in Elbit, and is currently working as a distributed storage system developer in IBM. Graduated the computers and physics department in the scientific technological high-school in Kfar Batya, and served in the military paratrooper brigade. Lives in Elkana with his wife, Aviva, also a CS graduate. Plays the violin, loves long distance running and has recently taken up kite-surfing.
" I see LAPIDIM as a ‘new spirit’ in the academic world - it aims to promote not only bright students that will continue in academia, but also people with leadership abilities and charisma, who will know how to utilize the knowledge they’ve acquired for fruitful and productive activities in the industry "

Born in 1987, studied computer science in the three-year BSc track and graduated in 2011. She then completed her MA in computer science at the Weizmann Institute. She now works as a software engineer at Microsoft. Shani says she fell in love with computers during a programming camp she attended when she was 14 years old. She lives in Herzliya.
" The Lapidim program offers the perfect combination of computer science studies and the world of management and entrepreneurship "

Born in 1987, Anat studied in the combined computer science and bioinformatics BSc track and graduated in 2013. She then went on to study for an MA, and completed her PhD in computational biology at Princeton University in 2022. Anat worked at Qualcomm (Haifa) as a student and then as a software engineer in 2011–2014. After completing her PhD at Princeton University in 2022, she began working as a senior data scientist at the Eleven Therapeutics biotech company in Tel Aviv, where she is employed today. Anat says that her BSc studies at the Technion was one of the most significant times in her life. It was a time of intensive studies, in-depth learning, and making friends for life. She has always been drawn to the logic thinking style of computer science and enjoyed incorporating that logic in the course she took on life sciences, which opened new doors for her future career. Anat has both Israeli and American citizenship, and feels closely affiliated with both countries. She served in the IDF 8200 intelligence unit, then moved to the US for her doctoral studies. After graduating, she, her husband, and three children moved back to Israel. She serves as a mentor for women in the academia and the industry and believes in breaking glass ceilings.
" Lapidim is a unique program that is external to the academic institution and is offered to BSc students (like many other excellence programs in Israel), but its goal is not to push students into an academic career. The program gives students the tools they need to lead, initiate, and be creative, and offers an excellent opportunity for networking that can help graduates develop in many different directions. The sky is the limit! "

Born in 1985, studied software engineering, and graduated in 2012. In 2013–2017, Arnon was an analyst and software engineer at IBM. Since 2017, he has been working as a software engineer at Amazon. Arnon completed his MA studies in 2016. He says that his studies were a challenging, productive, and defining time for him. He especially remembers working together with amazing people, who are now an important part of his social and professional circles. Arnon lives in Kibbutz Dalia with his family. He works hard, but leaves time for all the great things that life has to offer.
" It’s a great opportunity to meet talented people and leading companies, and to learn more about the world of entrepreneurship and the industry "

Born in 1985, graduated the CS Computer Engineering track in 2013. As a student he worked in the IR team in IBM, and is currently an M.Sc. student in the department, supervised by Prof. Ran El-Yaniv. He is married and father of twins, Guy and Maya, and is very active in the StackOverflow.com community.
" The program enriches our world with ‘outside the box’ content. The lectures with past and present entrepreneurs are fascinating and help us make the right decision regarding our future intentions once finishing our studies. "

Born in 1986, graduated the CS general track in 2013. As a student he worked in the software engineering department in Intel, as well as being a teaching assistant in the CS Combinatorics course. He is currently working as an engineer in the Citi Technology Innovation Lab. Served in 8200 unit and loves sports, tfviravel and an occasional beer with friends.
" LAPIDIM program has excellent people, interesting content and amazing benefits, there should be no doubt about joining! "

Born in 1988, Dana studied computer science in the three-year BSc track and graduated in 2011. She then completed her MA and PhD at the Technion as well. Dana is now a faculty member in the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Technion.
" "

Born in Gedera, graduated the CS general track in 2012. Worked as a Compiler Software Engineer in CEVA-DSP and is currently working as Senior Storage Development Engineer in Dell.
" Computing is a part of everything we do - in medicine, transportation and communication. I believe that the field of computer science encourages entrepreneurship and development in every aspect in life, and the profession itself helps develop thinking skills that enable solving great and complicated problems. LAPIDIM program sets the bar very high, but it’s definitely worth the effort! "

Born in 1985, studied in the dual BSc program in physics and computer science and graduated in 2013. During his studies, he worked as a programmer and software engineer at Google, and is now the CTO and co-founder of a startup company called Armis. Nadir says that computer science, and particularly the Lapidim program, offers excellent preparation for academic studies combined with industrial and management courses, and streamlines its graduates' ability to enter the entrepreneurship and hi-tech sectors in Israel. He did not expect to gain very much from the industrial and management courses he took, but when combined with computer sciences he found them to be excellent. Also, he was glad to be able to participate in the program while completing a degree in physics as well. Nadir is from Haifa, and attended the Reali high school there. He describes his studies at the Technion as a natural next step. He has always dreamt of creating something of his own, and left Google in order to pursue his dream. He now splits his time between Tel Aviv and Toronto. In addition to his work at Armis, Nadir and his business partner, Yevgeny Dibrov are angel investors who also give back to the Lapidim program by funding scholarships.
" Some of my best friends, including the co-founder of my company Yevgeny Dibrov, are from the program. Participants in Lapidim are the kind of people who remain lifelong friends. There's really nothing like this program anywhere other than the Technion, and I'm been highly recommending it for years "

Born in 1987, graduated the CS general track in 2011. Currently works in Google, Tel-Aviv. Lives in Ramat-Gan and plays bass guitar.
" Before I started my studies friends told me ‘studying Computer Science - only at the Technion!’. They weren’t wrong. I highly recommend LAPIDIM program! It’s a great way to meet talented people and smoothes your way into the B.Sc. studies. I owe my current job to the connections I made with other students in the program "

Born in 1987, graduated the CS general track in 2014. As a student, he worked in the Business Intelligence department in Microsoft, and is currently working there as a software engineer. Graduated from Ort Bialik high-school and served in the Israeli Air Force.
" LAPIDIM program provides great tools for excelling students who want to learn more about the industry, and allows them to do so in an excellent environment. "

Born in 1984, Shaul graduated the Technion with a double-degree in Physics and Computer Science in 2013. Prior to his studies Shaul served as a Lieutenant Commander in the Israeli Navy. Shaul is currently CTO at Digital Asset Holdings, a financial technology firm based in New York.
" LAPIDIM program is a great networking platform for future entrepreneurs. One of the main factors that influenced me as an entrepreneur is my social network, a great part of which I owe to the programץ "

Born in 1989, studied computer science in the three-year BSc track and graduated in 2014. As a student, Omer worked on the software team at Mellanox and was a software engineer at Kenshoo. Today, he is a leading software engineer at DA, a finance startup company in the bitcoin sector, located in New York. He works there with another graduate of the program, Saul Kfir, who is VP Technology at the company. Omer says that the course he took in combinatorics validated his decision to choose a degree in computer science, and that he enjoyed every lecture. He says that when he started working, he discovered how much he enjoys using this knowledge to develop things that other people need and to create something new that can offer significant value for the world. Omer is the only graduate of the program who was in the IDF orchestra. He loves music, CrossFit, traveling, and computer science
" The connections formed between students in the Lapidim program are the greatest asset we have. It is an excellent program and a wonderful opportunity to meet amazing people and future entrepreneurs "

Born in 1988. Evgeny is the CEO and co-founder of Armis Security, a unicorn company in the cybersecurity field, valued at $3.4 billion and employing around 750 people worldwide. Armis secures some of the world's leading organizations, including 35 of the Fortune 100 companies, as well as notable clients such as United Airlines, Ryanair, the United States Postal Service, Mondelēz International, and more. He graduated in 2014 with a degree in Computer Engineering from the Technion. As a student, he worked as a lead developer in the Firmware group at Mellanox Technologies, and later served as Vice President of Business Development at the startup Adallom (acquired by Microsoft). He currently resides in Tel Aviv, is married to Sharin, and is a devoted fan of Maccabi Tel Aviv.
" In LAPIDIM program we find ourselves in a competitive entrepreneurial environment, meeting people who have already ‘made it’, and networking with LAPIDIM graduates "

Born in 1989, graduated the CS four-year track in 2014. As a student he worked in Qualcomm and is currently working as a developer in Final. Graduated from Leo Baeck high-school and served in the 8200 unit. Plays guitar and drums and enjoys working out in the gym.
" Academic studies are amazing and challenging. It is the last period in your life in which you are truly your own boss. LAPIDIM program is great, rewarding, and accommodates people who excel both socially and intellectually. "

Nofar was born in 1990, studied in the three-year BSc track, and graduated in 2015. She then went on to complete her MA and then her PhD studies in 2020. She traveled to Paris for her post-doctoral studies at École Normale Supérieure, which she completed in 2022. Since October 2022 she has been working as an analyst at INRIA in Montpellier, France. Nofar says she chose to study computer science because she wanted to be creative. She ended up pursuing a career in research, but that was not something she had ever considered before she began her studies. Nofar completed a programming course during her studies and represented the Technion in a competition in Portugal. She loves improvisation and even established an improv club at the Technion while she was a student. She enjoys swing dancing and playing cooperative board games
" I highly recommend the program, mostly because of the amazing people I met there, who are still some of my closest friends. Its added value is enormous and priceless. The material we learned during the program was fascinating, and gave me an important perspective on the industry and on entrepreneurship "

Born in 1987, graduated the CS Computer Engineering track in 2015. Worked as a programmer in Google, and is currently studying for his M.Sc. in the department. Loves playing basketball and reading suspense novels.
" The Computer Engineering track combines basic courses in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, and lets you choose only the paths that interest you. "

Born in 1988, graduated a double-degree in Physics and Computer Science at 2015 and working as a research assistant in the department. Also graduate of the agricultural high-school in Pardes-Hanna. His areas of interest include artificial intelligence, crowd-sourcing and algorithms inspired by real-world physical systems. In his spare time, Eden likes to windsurf, ride mountain bikes and work on various small-scale technological projects.
" The people I’ve met in the program became my best friends and partners. I was given a rare chance to take part in many activities that I wouldn’t have experienced otherwise "

Born in 1989, graduate of David Kalay high school in Givatayim, where she majored in Computer Science, and of the IDF's computers unit, Mamram. Graduated the Computer Science track at 2015 and working as a software engineer at Google. Has always been drawn to science, technology, management and entrepreneurship. She believes in hard work, aspiring for excellence, teamwork and thinking outside the box.
" I have chosen to study Computer Science at the Technion since I wanted to be at the forefront of technology, and it is a great privilege to study in such an excellent institute with world-leading researchers. LAPIDIM program is the right place for people who see themselves as leading the next generation of the high-tech industry and academia "

Born in 1988, graduated the CS general track at 2015 and working at Google. Graduated Hugim high-school, IDF’s Nahal group, plays the piano and loves traveling and creating computer and mobile games.
" More than anything else, the program connects you to your kind of people - high quality computer science students who are also interested in entrepreneurship. It’s very significant in a world where networking is also important, not just personal and technical abilities. "

Born in 1991, Gail studied computer science in the three-year BSc track and graduated in 2016. She then began a direct PhD program, and is now a post-doctoral student at EPFL. She enjoys drawing and exercising in her free time.
" Studying at the Technion can be difficult, but it's mostly enjoyable. The Lapidim program gives you the opportunity to meet very interesting people. I highly recommend it "

Born in 1989, graduated the Computer Engineering track in 2016. As a student he worked in the Geometric Image Processing lab. Has served in the military 8200 unit as a soldier and an officer, and enjoys long-distance running.
" The Computer Engineering track teaches you to look at the whole picture of the computer world, with both software and hardware aspects in mind. LAPIDIM program exposes us to the complex world of entrepreneurship, and we get a chance to meet people of the highest quality both in the industry and in the academia "

Born in 1986, Niv completed the dual track in physics and computer science and graduated in 2015. He has an MA in astrophysics from the Weizmann Institute, and is now studying for a PhD in computer science and computer vision at the Weizmann Institute. He says that what he especially remembers from his BSc studies was the physics course he took with Ehud Behar, which he says was much more than just a physics class. The course helped him understand what physics was and what it means to study the field. He says the course was inspiring. Niv studied at the Reali high school in Haifa, and served in one of the technology units in the IDF Intelligence Corps. In his free time, he enjoys playing piano and violin.
" The most important part of the Lapidim program is the people you meet. The people in the program were some of the brightest ones I have ever met; people who are both smart and friendly. In addition to them being excellent academic colleagues and friends for life, I'm sure I'll meet many of them at different stages of my career. The workshops and encounters with leaders in the hi-tech industry offer a unique and original perspective on the implementation of the theoretical material we learn in class "

" "

Born in 1987, studied in the dual mathematics and computer science BSc track and graduated in 2016. He worked at Refael as a student in 2015–2016, interned at Yahoo in 2017, and since 2018 he has been working at Starkware Industries. He completed his MA in information management, magna cum laude.
" The main advantage of the program is the ties that are formed with the very talented people you meet there. This is very helpful during your studies and after you graduate. My current workplace has an entire community of Lapidim graduates "

Born in 1990, graduated the four-year Computer Science track in 2016. Currently an M.Sc. student in the department. Plays the piano and loves books.
" Computer science offers a combination of academia and industry, and touches almost every aspect in life. LAPIDIM program is a great jumping-off point for special things in your future career. "

Born in 1990, studied computer science in the three-year BSc track and graduated in 2016. He then completed his MA in information system engineering at Ben-Gurion University, specializing in computational thinking and big data. Employment history: QA Engineer at McAfee; IBM Research - Software Engineering Researcher Student, Cloud Platforms; and Data Scientist, Senior Data Scientist, and Staff Data Scientist at SentinelOne. Gal says that computer science represents the future and what we can achieve using software and hardware, especially today. He debated whether to study computer science or music, but in the past decade he has focused mostly on computers. He says that the faculty members are what made his studies so special. Gal is married to Adi and has two children. He enjoys playing the guitar and harmonica in his free time, and loves traveling around Israel. He served in IDF intelligence unit 8200 and now lives in Tel Aviv.
" Take every opportunity you have to experience and learn new things beyond the mainstream courses. There is an entire world outside of the regular curriculum that can help you find your direction, even before you complete your studies. The program is an excellent opportunity to make new friends, meet entrepreneurs in a small, intimate forum, and ask invaluable questions "

Born in 1991, studied in the dual mathematics and computer science BSc track, and graduated in 2016. Ori completed his MA studies in computer science at the Weizmann Institute and his PhD in computer science at Tel Aviv University. He is currently an analyst at Bigarch. Ori says that the program and the Technion in general were very positive experiences for him. He chose the theoretic track, which places a strong emphasis on mathematics and computer science theory. Even though his interests have always been related to research, he talks about the importance of diversity and of not neglecting the practical aspects of computer science as well.
" Lapidim is the perfect program for BSc students. It offers an excellent environment, quality content, and an opportunity to meet incredibly talented people "

Born in 1990, currently studying in the Computer Engineering track. Loves basketball, photography, traveling, technology and more.
" I've been enthusiastic about technology and computers since I can remember myself. If you are passionate about creation and innovation, you could very well be an entrepreneur and LAPIDIM is the place for you. "

Born in 1995, graduated the enhanced Program Engineering track in 2017. Currently an M.Sc. student in the department. Presented her high-school project in the LIYSF (London International Youth Science Forum).
" I’ve been given a chance to join a high-quality group of people, and every day in the department brings out the most in me. I have no doubt after the four years of my studies I will have acquired tools that will make me the best engineer I can be "

Born in 1989, Dori studied in the dual computer science and mathematics track and graduated in 2017. He worked as a software developer at FileThem (a company that no longer exists), ScaleIO, and Lightbits. He interned at Facebook, and was a developer and team leader at StarkWare. He received an MA in computer science from Tel Aviv University. He says he chose to focus on mathematics because he finds it very interesting, but he really enjoys studying computer science as well.
" It's an amazing program, it gives you so much! "

Born in 1991, graduated the Computer Science track in 2016. Loves sports.
" The LAPIDIM program is your chance to discover that excellence is not only about grades, it goes well beyond "